Counter-Strike Global Offensive is one of the most played first-person shooters in the world. But with little gameplay changes over the years and countless hours spent playing it, it might get boring.
This might make you want to try some other games, and since you liked Csgo, here are the 12 best games like Csgo, 2020 edition.
1. Valorant

Valorant is very similar to Csgo – but with some extra flavor.
The game pitches two teams of five versus each other. One team is the attacker while the other being the defender.
The attackers must plant the bomb, known as the spike, at specific sites on the map and then defend it until it explodes.
The defenders must protect these sites and if the bomb is planted, must try to defuse it.
Each round is 100 seconds, with the game spanning a maximum of 25 rounds. The first team to 13 rounds wins.
Valorant also has an in-game economy. You earn money by winning rounds and killing enemies. And then use it to buy better equipment to win even more rounds.
As you might realize, this game is basically exactly like Csgo – except for one thing.
At the beginning of the match, every player must pick an “agent”.
You can’t switch your agents during the match, and every member of the team must select different agents.
There exist 10 agents to choose from – Breach, Brimstone, Cypher, Jet, Omen, Phoenix, Raze, Sage, Sova, and Viper – but this list is likely to expand with time.
Each agent possesses four unique abilities that they can use to gain an advantage over their opponents during gameplay.
One ability is free to use once every round, while two are available to purchase at the beginning of the round.
The last ability- known as the ultimate – requires players to earn skill points to use.
Skill points are earned by killing opponents and from completing objectives, like planting or defusing the bomb.
These abilities range from the all too familiar flashbang to supernatural abilities, like superfast movement or slowing down time.
Each agent are good at a certain style of play – some being aggressive and fast pace, while others better for defending.
Many consider these abilities to be a more advanced version of utility in Csgo.
If you are interested in buying Valorant for a discounted price press go here.
2. Tom Clancy’s Rainbow Six Siege

Rainbow Six Siege is a high-precision, tactical shooter that favors careful planning, teamwork, and tactics.
With an extremely high skills ceiling – much like Csgo – high level play is hard. But for someone with experience with Csgo, it should not be too hard.
Rainbow Six Siege is split into two main types of gameplay: PvE and PvP.
PvE is split into two modes:
- “Situations”, where you can train your aim and shooting.
- “Terrorist Hunt”, where you team up with other players to defeat AI-controlled enemies and defuse high-threat situations.
PVP is the part of the game most like Csgo.
It is built on 5v5 teamplay covering a scope of scenarios where the attackers and defenders go toe to toe in:
- Defuse Mode, just like Csgo, one team defending the bomb sites, one trying to plant and then protect the bomb.
- Hostage Rescue, one team defends a hostage, the others try to take them.
- Securing key positions, the attacking team must try to occupy a specific room in the map and hold it for a fixed amount of time. The defending team tries to stop them.
Rainbow Six Siege also allows a player to pick an operator at the beginning of the match. These are specialized in different areas of the game – like attack or defends.
All operators have a mixture of armor and agility, the more you have of one, the less of the other.
Every operator also comes with a unique gadget – like a drone, aids kit, or a sledgehammer.
If you want to get Rainbow Six Siege for steam at a discounted price – press here.
3. Player Unknown Battlegrounds

Player Unknown BattleGrounds – or PUBG in short- is a battle royal first-person shooter game.
The game goes out on a deathmatch like a mode, where 100 players jump out of an airplane on a huge island.
You land without any gear and must thus scavenge buildings and other sites for weapons, armor, medical equipment, and vehicles.
After a certain time period, the map begins to shrink and forces players to get close to each other.
Ending in a small circle where the last players battle it out.
The last player or team alive wins.
PUBG can be played either as a first-person shooter – like Csgo – or a third-person perspective, and can be played solo, duo, or squad (4 players).
Press here to buy PUBG for steam at 61% off
4. Paladin

Paladin is a team-based shooter, with one of the most unique approaches out there.
It allows for in-game character progression coupled with a deck-building element. These allow for advanced tactics and a high skill ceiling.
There are currently two game modes in Paladin, both of which put two teams of five players against each other.
- The first game mode is “Siege”. In Siege, the objective is to get 9 points before the enemy team does. When one teammate or enemy has captured an objective that players’ team will receive 2 points and a payload cart will spawn. This cart needs to be pushed to the enemy spawn and if it gets there the attackers will receive 2 points. If the defenders manage to stop them they receive 1 point.
- The second game mode is called “Payload”. This is exactly like Siege except there are no capturing points, just one team attacking and the other one defending.
There are also four types of champions in the game, these are the front liners, damage dealers, support, and the flanker.
- The Front Liner: This champion type is made to take damage and protect its teammates. Their abilities are things like shields and barricades – making them great for holding key areas.
- The Damage Dealer: Just what it sounds like, this type of champion is made to deal damage. Their abilities are made to disrupt the enemies in their planes. With abilities like teleporting, stunning, and knocking them in the air.
- The Support: This is the backbone of the team. With their abilities, they can heal teammates, slow enemy movement, and allow teammates to survive otherwise lethal attacks.
- The Flanker: This champions job is to take out the Damage Dealer to allow your team to progress. This is achieved through the Flankers high mobility and escape mechanismen. Which allows it to get in, kill the Damage Dealer, and get out.
Paladins deck-building element is what makes this game so unique from many other hero-based shooters.
A deck is made out of five cards, with each card having its special modifier to you or the enemies.
They can, for example, make you as a tank deal more damage, or reduce the enemy’s ability to heal.
Go here if you want to download Paladin
5. Overwatch

Overwatch is an online, first-person shooter with a very cartoonish vibe. It was chosen for game of the year 2016.
In the core gameplay, two teams of six face each other in one of four different game modes.
These being:
- Escort: One team escorts a payload – basically a cart – from one part of the map to another, while the enemy team tries to stop them.
- Assault: One team defends one or two areas (depending on the map) while the other team tries to take it before the timer runs out.
- Control: Like Assault expect that there is one zone and both teams are fighting to control it.The first team to control the area for a set period of time wins.
- Hybrid: Half Assault mode and half Escort mode. If the team attacking manages to take the point, a payload spawns and the rest of the match continues like Escort.
At the beginning of a game in Overwatch, you can pick a hero.
Heroes can roughly be split into four different groups. Even if there is a lot of overlap between the groups:
- Offense: These heroes are made to deal damage, but are often fragile to enemy attacks.
- Defense: These types of characters are best for defending areas of the map.
- Tanks: For you as a Csgo player, tanks might seem weird. Because they are made to take enemy fire from your teammates, allowing them to survive and deal the damage.
- Support: These Heroes are mostly healers, which helps your teammates survive.
Buy Overwatch at 40% off – Press here for an EU pass
Buy Overwatch at 40% off – Press here for a US pass
6. Black Squad

Black Squad is a free to play military first-person shooter.
It has a high skill ceiling with the ability to master a wide variety of maps, game modes, and weapons.
It consists of the most common game modes like competitive, demolition, and deathmatch for example. Competitive consists of solo, duo, or squad and are basically exactly like Csgo competitive.
Where two teams of five play against each other, and one try to plant the bomb and then protect it while the other tries to stop the plant and then defuse it.
This game is just like Csgo but with some new game mode, maps, and shooting mechanics.
Press here to download Black Squad for free
7. Dirty bomb

Dirty bomb is a class-based first-person shooter.
Its plot goes out on that in 2020, an atomic explosion occurs in London. This leads to toxic gas beginning to spread in the city, resulting in evacuation plans.
The government hires mercenaries to try to fix and cover up the radiation incident.
While simultaneously, a criminal organization called Jackal hired their own mercenaries to steal the government’s technology they use to maintain the radioactive gas.
The game has 5 classes of mercenaries you can choose from:
- Assault, This unit is made to kill enemies and deal damage.
- Engineers, These are best suited to perform the objectives, be it defusing a bomb or repairing. All mercenaries can do the objectives, engineers just do them much faster.
- Medics, Just what you think their job is, to heal the teammates.
- Fire Support, it is hard to kill enemies without bullets, these mercenaries job is to hand out bullets to their team. They also have some of the most powerful offensive abilities in the game, from airstrike to even calling in an orbiting laser.
- Recon, The sneaky mercenary class, most often taking out the enemies from afar with sniper rifles while staying hidden.
Dirty bomb has three different game modes:
- Delivery: In this mode, one team must deliver an objective from one place to another, while the other team tries to stop them.
- Bomb: just like the defuse game mode in Csgo. One team tries to plant the C4 and then protects it until it explodes. While the other tries to stop the C4 from being planted and then tries to defuse it if it does get planted.
- EV: The attacking team needs to repair an EV to get it moving, and once moving they need to escort it along a path. The defending team must try to stop it by killing the attackers near the EV. This will make it stop, and to get it moving again the attacks need to repair it again.
Press here to download Dirt Bomb on Steam for free.
8. Counter Strike Source

Maybe a bit cheap to include Counter Strike Source in this list. But nonetheless, it is a game very much like Counter Strike Global Offensive, being the same franchise.
This is a game most of use should consider starting just for the nostalgia it brings. And even if Valve has shut down all of their servers, the community certainly hasn’t.
Choose between Surf, bhop, competitive, or jailbreak and give it a go.
Press here to get Counter Strike Source
9. Battlefield 1

Battlefield 1 is a first-person shooter that takes place during the first world war.
It comes with an extensive single-player campaign that takes the player through different “war stories”.
These stories are told from the perspective of six different allied soldiers across the entire World War 1.
Battlefield 1 also has a multiplayer side, which may not be as competitive as Csgo but still has a wide variety of game modes.
These are the game modes:
- Conquest: One of the standard game modes, teams capture objectives across the map, earning points based on how many objectives they hold.
- Dominations: Like Conquest but with a smaller map and fewer control points.
- Rush: Another standard game mode, and basically defusal from Csgo. One team tries to plant the bomb and then protect it while the other tries to stop them.
- Operations: This game mode is made to stimulate a war campaign. An attacking team with a limited number of respawns must capture control points across the map. While the defenders try to stop them.
- Team Deathmatch: Two teams compete to reach a set amount of kills. The first team reaching it wins.
- War Pigeon: Two Teams try to capture a pigeon they can use to send a message to signal artillery fire. The team which captures three pigeons and successfully releases them wins.
- Frontlines: Five Control points are placed in a line with either of the team bases in the end/beginning of it. The first team that takes control of all the points and gets to the enemy’s base wins.
- Supply Drop: “Supply Drops” are inspired by the huge area that the eastern front of WW1 took place in. Here teams battle it out for supply drops that contain ammo, weapons, vehicles, and Elite Classes.
- Air Assault: This game mode only features aerial combat, where one vehicle destruction equals one point.
- Shock Operations: Just like operations only faster, shorter, and only takes place on one map, instead of three.
There are four types of infantry classes in Battlefield 1, these are:
- Assault: Anti-vehicle class, armed with submachine guns, machine pistols, and shotguns they make efficient killers.
- Medic: Mostly heals and reviews teammates. Armed with a semi-automatic rifle.
- Support: Supports have light-machine guns and semi-automatic carbines. Their role is to replenish their teammates’ ammo as well as repairing stationary weapons and vehicles.
- Scout: This class spots enemies and then fires out a flare, making them visible on the minimap. They can also take enemies out with their bolt action service rifles from afar.
There are also three types of vehicles in Battlefield 1, tanks, cavalry, and airplanes. These often spawn when your team is losing and can be used to turn the tides.
Press here to get Battlefield 1 for 77% off – Only Now
10. Team Fortress 2

Team Fortress 2 is a first-person shooter developed by Valve, the same company that made Csgo.
This game might be a bit old, being released in 2007, 13 years ago. But nonetheless, it is still played, a testament to how fun it is.
Team Fortress two offers many game modes. But here are the five core modes:
- Attack and Defend: Blue team tries to capture control points in a certain order while the red team tries to stop them
- Capture the Flag: Blue team and Red team try to steal each other’s flag.
- Control points: The team that captures all the control points on a map wins. Be it five or three depends on the map.
- King of the Hill: one control point which both teams want to capture, when one team captures the control point a timer starts. If they hold the point for the duration of the timer they win
- Payload: The blue team pushes a cart with a bomb along a path, when it reaches the red team’s base they win.The red team tries to stop the blue team.
Team Fortress is like many other games on this list a class-based mode. These classes include; offensive, defensive, and support. With each class having subclasses.
Press here to download Team Fortress for free
11. Call Of Duty Modern Warfare

Modern Warfare is the newest of the Call of Duty games. This is a first-person shooter with both a single-player campaign and multiplayer modes.
The single-player campaign focuses on realism and features moral choices the player must make. These could be the evaluation of whether an NPC is a threat or not.
There are a total of 14 missions in Modern Warfare, which together clocks in at a playtime of 6-8 hours.
The multiplayer element in Modern Warfare is less competitive than Csgo, but still offers a lot of game modes for you to play.
Like the standard deathmatches, search and destroy dominations and hardpoints.
Call of Duty Modern Warfare also has a battle royale game mode called Warzone. This mode has 150 players in a team of one, three, or four battle it out.
Until the last team standing wins.
Warzone must however be downloaded separately from the game itself.
Press here to get Modern Warfare at an 11% discount price before it’s sold out.
12. Arma 3

Arma 3 is an open-world military simulation and sandbox game. It has a wide variety of military equipment to choose from.
These include tons of different weapons, cars, tanks, jets, and even an aircraft carrier. Arma 3 basically lets you explore any aspect of militarized combat there is.
It even goes as far as showing the aftermath of a war, you can for example find old minefields that were used in combat but later were forgotten.
Arma 3 differentiates itself from many other first-person shooters by realism.
You can for example not carry too many weapons on you at the same time and many vehicles require a crew of more than one person.
This is why it is recommended to play Arma 3 with some friends, not to say that the game will be bad alone. But it will certainly be a better experience with some friends.
Press here to get Arma 3 at a 57% discounted price
Final Thought
These are 12 games like Csgo and hopefully at least one caught your attention. If not, then let us know in the comments below.