How Do You Surrender In Csgo

Sometimes when you play competitive and are losing hard you might want to surrender. Perhaps teammates have left the game or the enemy team might be cheaters or smurfs. There are plenty of reasons for wanting to surrender a game of Csgo. But how do you surrender in Csgo? And should you?

Surrendering In Matchmaking

In matchmaking, surrender is straight forward. One player must have left the game and got a ban before a surrender vote can be started. 

To start a surrender vote do the following:

  1. Press Esc
  2. Go to Call Vote
  3. Press Surrender
  4. Then everyone in your team must press F1 to accept the surrendering. If anyone presses F2 and votes against the surrender, it won’t happen.

Should You Surrender In MM?

A good question to ask yourself is if you really should surrender. There are theories that you will gain more elo points if you manage to win rounds or even games with only four or fewer players.

This is of course not proven, since Valve keeps the ranking factors hidden from the public. But it might still be worth it to keep on playing if you believe you have a chance.

If you play against spin-boters and are getting 16-0 then the best option is to surrender. But otherwise, I would recommend not to.

Surrendering In Faceit

To surrender a game in Faceit – one of the two following requirements needs to have happened. 

  1. A player must have left the game and have received his ban
  2. The match must have played out 15 rounds or more before the match can be forfeited with all players remaining. 

To surrender you need to write !gg in chat. This will start the voting process. 

If you are voting to surrender a match because one player has left. Then 3 out of the 4 remaining players must vote F1 in order for the match to end. 

If a vote for surrendering has started after 15 rounds and all the players remain 4 out of 5 must vote F1 for the surrender to happen. 

Should You Surrender In Faceit? 

Faceit is not like matchmaking, here you can see the elo you will get for a win, or lose for a lose (if you have premium anyways). 

This is why we know that it does not matter for the elo if you lose by surrender or conventional means.

So in Faceit, you can surrender all you want really. Except I would still not recommend doing so. 

There are so many times I have played Faceit games and lost 14-1 or even 15-0 first half. To then end up winning those games. And I can tell you, those are the sweetest victories there are.

So the answer is that no more penalty will be given if you surrender a Faceit game instead of losing in normally. But you still should not surrender, comebacks are always possible.

Surrendering In EASA

You can’t surrender in EASA, you need to finish the game regardless of how many of your teammates have left. 

For the better or for the worse. But most often for the better – according to my experience anyway.