The Top 10 Best CS:GO Subreddit

Reddit is a fantastic platform, here you can learn and have fun at the same time. But you need to know where to go on Reddit to enjoy it. This is why I put together this list of the best CS:GO subreddits for all the Counter-Strike lovers out there. 

1. /r/GlobalOffensive

This is the biggest subreddit revolving around CS:GO. It’s here you will find the most general information about it. Such as updates, big news from the pro scene, player clips, and some memes. It’s a good all-around subreddit that every CS:GO player should follow. 

2. /r/Csgo

This is the meme subreddit of CS:GO. Here you find memes and CS:GO clips from the community. It is a more chill version of /rGlobalOffensive, where nearly everything is allowed to be posted. 

3. /r/GlobalOffensiveTrade

The official trading subreddit, here you find thousands of fellow traders you can trade with. As well as a lot of information about skins and their variations and patterns. But be prepared – they do not trade cheap skins on here. 

4. /r/Csgobetting

If you like to bet on professional CS:GO you should join /r/Csgobetting. Here everyone discusses where you should place your bets as well as the best sites to do so on. 

5. /r/CSMapMakers

Here you can share your CS:GO maps as well as find new maps to try out. This is the subreddit for map makers. 

6. /r/AdoptASilver/

Just what it sounds like, a subreddit where new players are looking for coaches to help them improve in the game. So if you are silver and want to improve, or a Global Elite looking to teach – then join now. Just be prepared, there are many trolls. 

7. /r/cheapcsgotrading/

Another CS:GO trading subreddit for the poorer traders out there. Here you can trade cheaper skins with other players without any shame. 

8. /r/RecruitCS/

Tired of bad teammates? Then this subreddit might be something for you. Here people teams are looking to recruit players as well as players in all ranks looking for teammates.

9. /LearnCSGO/

This subreddit is for learning CS:GO. Here you find tips and tricks as well as the best Youtube videos on how to improve in the game. 

10. /r/CounterStrikeBinds/

On this subreddit, people share their bind with each other. So if you are looking to try out some new bind when playing – you should check out this subreddit and you might find some that fit you.